
DracoViwi Viwi Dragon Body Texture Pack

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DracoViwi Viwi Dragon Body Texture Pack

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50% Off DracoViwi on Jinxxy

Rawr! >w<

Love your Viwi but wish it was just a liiiiiittle bit more draconic?

Well hey, this is a great way to accomplish exactly that!

Now you can live out your scaled, dragon-y dreams with this pack that includes five unique color palettes of body textures: Steel, Purple, Mango, Baby, and Ember!

(Note: This pack includes the BODY TEXTURES ONLY. All example screenshots are using the default eyes, hair, and tail textures with hue shift!)

Included in your base purchase:
-- Body base color textures (scaly and furry)
-- Normal maps (scaly, furry, and just the scale plates)
-- Standard metallic/smoothness maps (scaly and furry)
-- AO maps (scaly and furry)
-- Poiyomi maps for the Reflections & Specular (scaly and furry)
-- Scale plate masks (white and red)

Optional add-on:
For a few dollars more, you can also get .SPSM (Smart Material) files for Substance Painter that include the dragon scale layers, so you can drag and drop them into your Viwi Substance Painter project for easy customization!

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